Jesus calls us in Matthew 25:31-46 to perform Corporal Works of Mercy. Throughout the Bible we find Spiritual Works of Mercy that God calls us to (for more on these works of mercy, watch Fr. Jeff’s presentation on The Journey to Jesus: Acts of Mercy – takes about 1 hour xx minutes to watch).
Here are our ministries of service where one can perform works of mercy:
- Volunteer for funeral luncheons at St. Mary’s in Geneseo (known as Neighborhood Ministries) or Holy Angels in Nunda. This ministry would be part of the seventh Corporal Work of Mercy – Burying the Dead
- Visit the Sick (taking Communion to the homebound and nursing homes) – visiting the sick is the fifth Corporal Work of Mercy
- Prison Ministry (sixth Corporal Work of Mercy) - If you feel a calling to give to those who are incarcerated or their families, please consider volunteering your time to prison ministry. People are needed to help with R.E.C.'s (Residents Encounter Christ) on the inside which is a weekend retreat once a year inside of our prisons or to go to the Hootenannys for these R.E.C.'s. People are also needed to run the Hospitality Center at Groveland Correctional Facility which consists of welcoming families of inmates and helping them fill out paperwork. Both require filling out paperwork and going through a criminal background check done by the Department of Corrections. To go inside the prisons you also need a yearly TB test. If interested call Donna Falkner at 585-243-1100, x 107.
- Office Volunteers: Assist in office answering phone, helping with large mailings, etc. when needed.
- Giving Tree at Christmas - all of our churches have a giving tree during Advent where parishioners can take a tag with information on it to purchase a gift. The gift is returned to the same church where it is distributed to a person in that local community.
- We have a parishioner who takes calls from people in need in our communities and offers assistance through the funds parishioners donate in our monthly penny collection.