August 22, 2022
Dear Parish Family,
Welcome to a new year of faith formation. This letter brings you an overview of the programs for the 2022 – 2023 school year for all of St. Luke the Evangelist Parish. Because parents are the primary teachers of faith to their children, it is important that parents and other family members take an active part in a child’s religious formation. Mass participation is a most important part of our Catholic Tradition. Because Mass is such an important part of our Catholic Tradition, we are asking families to make every effort to attend Mass on Sunday mornings. As parents, you are to be practicing, teaching, and modeling the faith for your children. A vital part of that responsibility is taking them to Sunday Mass each week. The programs of St. Luke’s only enhance that formation.
The National Catholic Bishops have designated this year as a National Eucharistic Revival. The focus this year will be recommitting ourselves to placing the Eucharist at the Source and Summit of our lives and working together to enliven the faith of our Parish.
We will continue to offer a traditional Faith Formation program which meets Sunday mornings at three locations.
The meeting times are listed below. We welcome your full participation; you and your children are most welcome! You can choose to attend age-appropriate classes at any of the sites listed below. Youth, grade 8 and older, are welcome to serve as classroom aides for the K-6 classes. Classes begin on September 18. Please post this information and schedule in a convenient place in your home for easy reference.
Families with children preparing for First Communion and First Reconciliation (grade 2) will receive further information regarding sacramental preparation.
Preparation for Confirmation in the Diocese of Rochester is a 2-year process that begins no sooner than eighth grade. Youth 8th grade (and older) can begin the Confirmation Program this year. Confirmation will be scheduled for the spring of 2024. Suggested donation for Confirmation materials is $20 per student.
In addition, there will be classes and activities for families scheduled throughout the year. There will also be additional parent meetings scheduled as they will offer opportunities to discuss our children’s progress. Please be sure to read all materials and notices that come home with your children, as information for these events will be sent home with the children.
The suggested donation to help defray the cost of Religious Education textbooks, weekly materials, and supplies, is $20.00 per student. (Family maximum $50.00). Donations can be made at a later date if necessary. All children are welcome, and no one will be turned away.
Please call the office to receive a registration form (both sides).
Bringing our young people closer to God is a great privilege. If you can join us by helping in one or more of the services mentioned on the Registration Form, we would be very grateful.
Thank you for your patience and cooperation as we begin this 2022 – 2023 school year.
Sincerely yours:
Cathy Meyer - Religious Education Coordinator