Advises the Pastor on financial matters of the parish and school. Responsible for monitoring all income and expenses, and approving the annual budgets.
The PPC is involved in most activities and programs effecting the liturgical and spiritual life of St. Luke the Evangelist Parish.
The Stewardship Committee assists the pastor in developing stewardship as a way of life in the parish, an attitude of the mind and heart that is expressed in action; emphasizing that all people, thing, and experiences are gifts from God. Encourage active participation by all parish members in some part of parish life. Examples include: opportunities for volunteering, increased giving through monetary donations and joining parish committees.
We have Cemetery Advisory Committes for both St. Mary's Cemetery and St. Patrick's Cemetery. They advise the Pastor on the care and oversight of the cemetery.
Men’s Club is a social group of men of the parish consisting of all ages, that meets to enjoy dinner together, programs of interest, and sponsor fund raising events for the different needs of the parish. All men are welcome. For information call Phil (Hop) Manapol at 585-261-6472.
Archbishop Fulton Sheen said, "The rosary is the book of the blind, where souls see and there enact the greatest drama of love the world has ever known; it is the book of the simple, which initiates them into mysteries and knowledge more satisfying than the education of other men; it is the book of the aged, whose eyes close upon the shadow of this world, and open on the substance of the next. The power of the rosary is beyond description."
We unite as a community to pray the Rosary for all the needs of our parishioners and those of the whole world, including the sanctity of all life from conception until natural death. If you have a calling to a deeper prayerlife, are looking to cultivate one, are concerned about the problems in the world and would like to intercede for them, or are drawn to the devotion to the Blessed Virgin Mary, please call the Parish Office to know how you can join this Spiritual Group.
Participation in the Legion of Mary provides an opportunity to practice our faith through prayer and both the spiritual and corporal works of mercy. Members attend a weekly meeting of approximately one hour consisting of a spiritual reading and study, recitation of the Rosary, and planning for the week ahead. Throughout the week they engage in prayer and service according to the needs of the parish: visiting the homebound or those at the nursing facility, bringing the Eucharist to parishioners unable to attend Mass and whatever else may be needed. Weekly meetings are held at the St. Patrick’s rectory immediately following the 10:00AM Mass.
Celebrate with us, the people of St. Luke the Evangelist Parish, as we accept as our mission; to know God, to love God, to serve God, and to live happily with Him in this life and the next.